Yasmin - Beauty Profile

Hi Guys! My name is Yasmin, better known as @solatice_ ​on Instagram.​ I'm just a weirdo with a​ passion for​ makeup. Makeup ​allows me to escap​e​ into my own world and create whatever I want. I like to use makeup to express myself ​and​ it really calms my nerves after a stressful day. I hope you all ​can find ​a​ creative world to escape ​in​to ​and​ that I can ​inspire you to express yourself​ with makeup.​​

Yasmin's 7 Must Haves

Power Pigment Bundle
I love all of the power pigments, they are my go to for a bright & fun colour. These give you all the freedom you need!

You are true art. Please share this with the world. Make them feel something​.​